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Python Level 3


Full Course

$1100 USD
Before any discounts or coupons
for 18 hours

Class Description:

Python Level 3 is your passport to a deeper understanding of Python. We will start by reviewing the basics – lists, loops, functions, etc. – before moving on to more advanced features. We then go over more advanced functions and function algorithms, classes, and JSONS, which segways us into APIs and programs using free APIs. We finish off with an introduction to data statistics and science with Python, using Pandas’ DataFrames, Numpy, and Matplotlib’s Pyplot.


Age 13+, PY02 or Instructor Permisssion

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Course Overview, Functions and Imports Review

Review intermediate Python coding skills with imports and functions including outputs and kwargs.

Lists and Dictionaries Review

Review List and Dictionaries, including putting these two data structures together.

Introduction to NumPy I

Efficiency of NumPy arrays, difference between NumPy arrays and regular Python lists. Basic NumPy array declaration methods.

Introduction to NumPy II

Working with NumPy array operations, vectorized operations, time complexity.

Introductory Statistics

Central tendencies, mean vs median, population vs sample, standard deviation, variance.

Introduction to Pandas

Basics of Pandas, converting from .csv to DataFrames, Pandas Series, operations with DataFrames (e.g. .loc, .iloc, [], etc.). Handling JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

File Input and Output

Learn how to read from files and write to a new file, including how to handle JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

Weather API I

GET vs POST requests, getting data, handling data, analyzing data using statistical methods. Using Rapid API's Weather API. Visualizing data using matplotlib.

Weather API II

More statistical analysis techniques introduced, continuing on from projects.


Getting financial data through yFinance. Analyzing simple data from financial products (e.g. stocks and bonds). Introduction to moving averages.

Bing Image API

Today we'll explore a new API for getting images from the Internet via Bing.

First API Project

Start using what we've learned in this unit so far to create your own program using APIs.

Finishing Project 1

Finish your first API project

Creating Google API Project

Start to plan our next project, which will focus on using the various Google APIs.

Gmail API

Learn to use the Gmail API.

Another Google API

Learn to use another Google API like Google Drive.

Second API Project

Start using what we've learned in the second half of this unit to create a program using the Google APIs.

Finishing Project 2

Finish your second API project